Monday, 17 December 2012

12 Items Your Local Food Bank Needs

I hit the grocery store this evening. It was a quick visit, because the place was packed and I wasn’t in the mood for the crowd. I grabbed a couple of things and left before irritation and impatience got the better of me. And then I thought about it. How lucky am I to be able to go into a grocery store and have the freedom to fill a cart with all the food I desire. There are people that would travel miles, on foot, in the worst of weather, and walk through those crowds with immeasurable smiles if they were given this opportunity; one that I take for granted all too often.

Food banks in Newfoundland and Labrador help about 32,000 people a year. 

40% of those availing of these services are children.

Here are the 12 most popular choices for donations to your local food bank. Over the next few days, drop a bag into one of the bins at your local grocery store.

1.       Canned Soup or Stew 
2.       Peanut Butter
3.       Canned Beans
4.       Macaroni and Cheese
5.       Dried Pasta, Noodles and Rice
6.       Pasta Sauce
7.       Canned Meat and Fish
8.       Beans and Legumes
9.       Canned Vegetables and Fruit
10.   Canned/Powdered Milk
11.   Breakfast Cereal
12.   Baking Supplies

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